How to Tackle Perfectionism as a Student: Tips for Teens
Perfectionism can feel like a double-edged sword. On one hand, it pushes you to do your best and aim for success. On the other, it can lead to stress, burnout, and even procrastination when the fear of not being “perfect” takes over. If you’re a student who struggles with perfectionism, you’re not alone. In fact,…
Growing With Your Teen: Growth
The teenage years are a time of profound growth and change, not just for adolescents but also for their parents. Teenagers are navigating a transformative journey, discovering who they are and how they fit into the world around them. They are maturing physically, experiencing heightened emotions, and striving for independence. During this period, they begin…
Diagnosed with OCD: Misconceptions
Widespread misconceptions about OCD make it difficult for people to recognize the condition in themselves. For example, many think OCD is just about excessive hand washing or a need for things to be tidy. In reality, OCD is much more complex; It involves intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that don’t always fit these stereotypes. For…
Keeping Up With The Joneses: Comparison
We’ve all heard the saying: comparison is the thief of joy. But how does it actually impact our lives? On the surface, it may seem simple. Your neighbor buys a new car, and suddenly, you have the urge to upgrade yours. Your friend gets the newest iPhone, and now your own phone feels outdated. A…
Mental Health Struggles: A Friend
For as long as I can remember, my life has been rocky, with many ups and downs. Recently, however, I feel like it has been going down more than it has been going up. Nowadays, I find that waking up in a good mood is harder than it used to be, and going through my…
Crying After Practice: A Tween Struggling with Anxiety
Last week, I picked my daughter up from cheer practice, and as soon as she got in the car, she started sobbing. As the mom of a tween, I often don’t know if she wants space when she’s upset, or if she wants to vent, or if she needs advice. And if I choose the…