Diagnosed with OCD: Misconceptions
Widespread misconceptions about OCD make it difficult for people to recognize the condition in themselves. For example, many think OCD is just about excessive hand washing or a need for things to be tidy. In reality, OCD is much more complex; It involves intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that don’t always fit these stereotypes. For […]
Keeping Up With The Joneses: Comparison
We’ve all heard the saying: comparison is the thief of joy. But how does it actually impact our lives? On the surface, it may seem simple. Your neighbor buys a new car, and suddenly, you have the urge to upgrade yours. Your friend gets the newest iPhone, and now your own phone feels outdated. A […]
Mental Health Struggles: A Friend
For as long as I can remember, my life has been rocky, with many ups and downs. Recently, however, I feel like it has been going down more than it has been going up. Nowadays, I find that waking up in a good mood is harder than it used to be, and going through my days isare more difficult. I find myself in a constant state of worry about everything possible: school, jobs, financial stuff,…
Crying After Practice: A Tween Struggling with Anxiety
Last week, I picked my daughter up from cheer practice, and as soon as she got in the car, she started sobbing. As the mom of a tween, I often don’t know if she wants space when she’s upset, or if she wants to vent, or if she needs advice. And if I choose the […]