Find the Light Foundation Blog

Author: Alex Bingham

  • Let’s Talk About High-Functioning Depression

    One of the most well-known symptoms of depression is executive dysfunction. Often when we get depressed we are unable to complete simple tasks. We have no energy and no ambition. We see our mile long to-do list and decide that brushing our teeth is too hard, I’ll do it later. But we rarely talk about…

  • Introducing the Find the Light Foundation Resource Library

    In honor of Suicide Prevention Day and in memory of all of the people we have lost, Find the Light is proud to present our Resource Library as one of the largest collections of mental health resources in the world. This library was proudly designed by students and for students. There is nothing like it.…

  • What You Should Know About Autism

    April is known as Autism Awareness month for some and Autism Acceptance month for others. This month can stir a lot of discussion, but too little of it involves #ActuallyAutistic people. Well-meaning neurotypical people often take in and share harmful or inaccurate information that comes from suspect sources. A diverse world requires a wide variety…

  • Local Elections, Where Your Vote Has An Impact.

    While many of us are still politically burnt out from the 2020 elections, it’s easy to see why local elections historically have low voter turnout. There’s less pomp and prestige than in state and federal elections, much less media coverage, and often less awareness that they are even taking place. While 62% of eligible voters…

  • Loving Myself and My Limitations

    Most days of the week there are no lights on in my home. On good days I get my work done by the light of the tv and a Blue light filtered laptop. On better days I’ll leave the kitchen light on and work from the dining room. On bad days I navigate my little…